App clip metadata disappeared when saving a new version - can I get it back without manually re-creating it?

I have an app with an app clip that we have have had for over a year. Up until 15:th Feb 2024, every time we created a new app version, the App Clip section, that decides how the app clip card looks like, has retained its information. However, this time, when I created a new version, the App Clip section became empty.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new version of the app (e.g. enter "1.4.9" to the version dialog box and click save).

  2. On the page for the new version, scrolling down, I saw a banner with a message in the top of the App Clip section saying something like "you have a new App Clip version, do you want to use metadata from the previous build?" - see image for an approximate location. (This is the first time I see this message, up until now the app clip setup has always remained the same between versions without me needing to do anything)

  1. Without saying yes/no to this message, i) enter a "What's new" text and ii) choose a new build to upload. Then click Save at the top of the page.

Expected outcome: the old App Clip setup from the previous version would remain, or the banner with the message from step 2 would be there until I have made a choice

Actual outcome: All settings in the App Clip section are empty. Also, the message of using app clip metadata from the old version is gone, so no way to say yes to that message anymore.

How can I get my app clip data back from the previous version (1.4.8) without needing to re-enter it manually?

Can I delete and re-create the 1.4.9 version to see the App clip metadata message again? If so, how do I delete version 1.4.9? I can't find a delete button.

Or can I using some other means trigger that App Clip metadata banner/message again?

App clip metadata disappeared when saving a new version - can I get it back without manually re-creating it?