OpenSSL framework not available for VisionOS

While trying to convert one our apps to build against VisionOS, we noticed that the OpenSSL library apparently does not contain support for VisionOS yet:

/.../OpenSSL.xcframework:1:1: While building for visionOS, no library for this platform was found in '/.../OpenSSL.xcframework'.

Can someone confirm that there is no official version of OpenSSL with VisionOS platform support?

It seems there has been some effort in the community to find a workaround to this, but I believe it would require building OpenSSL locally, which seems like not a good security practice.

So if someone from Apple can let us know what the right path here forward is, we'd appreciate it.

I have no answer on if OpenSSL is available or not, but out of curiosity, why do you need to use OpenSSL directly? Also, are you using OpenSSL for networking due to a limitation in the current Security Option APIs for networking?

Can someone confirm that there is no official version of OpenSSL with visionOS platform support?

Officially from where?

Apple systems do not include OpenSSL as an API [1]. So, the Apple story for visionOS is the same as the story for our other platforms: OpenSSL is just like any other open source library. If you need it, you’ll have to build it yourself, or acquire a built copy from someone you trust.

If you’re doing the latter, talk to those folks about getting a XCFramework with visionOS support.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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[1] This has always been the case for iOS and its child platforms. For macOS the story is a bit fuzzier, but in the macOS 10.7 timeframework (yep, so around 2011) we made it clear that the OpenSSL library built-in to macOS is deprecated as an API.

OpenSSL framework not available for VisionOS