Apple Developer Experiences / Cannot build XCode project locally

After confirming an order for an Apple Developer account, the bottom of the page says:

Need some help? Chat now or call 1‑800‑MY‑APPLE.

Question 1: Why make your developers translate from 1-800-MY-APPLE to a phone number manually? It would cost no more to say call 1-800-MY-APPLE or 1-800-555-5555 or whatever the translation is. It's just one example where Apple could provide a bit more information and make it better for the developers than they do. The whole Apple Developer enrollment / account / team / certification process is astonishingly unintuitive and could be helped so much by simply providing additional information as we work through the process. You say "Sign in to run locally" but offer no info about where to sign in. (A place for name and email appeared briefly, I entered my password incorrectly and now it doesn't seem to show up at all?)

Question 2: That number seems to go to support for hardware orders (iPhones, machines, etc.). Is there a different number for developer account issues?

Question 3: I paid $99 to renew the dev account, but I still can't build my SwiftUI XCode project due to Signing & Certificate Issues, and there's a bit of conflicting feedback.

Feedback 1: When I click my order, it says: Apple Developer Program - Membership for one year Enrollment Complete Order Placed(Completed) Electronically Delivered (Completed) Thanks for being a part of the Apple Developer Program.

Feedback 2: When I go to, it says: Complete your purchase. Once you complete your purchase, you’ll receive a purchase acknowledgement and a membership confirmation email, and it wants me to pay $99 again.

Seems unnecessarily challenging just to be able to build and run my XCode app on my own machine. Many of the involved options have little help associated to resolve issues. XCode recognizes my account, and I have a cert for running on my machine but it appears to be "in progress" so I'm dead in the water for now.

Question 4: Any ideas how many days it takes before the payment will clear and I can play with my app again?

Same here. Apple's development UX is hot garbage.

There’s two parts to this:

  • Questions and feedback related to the Apple Developer Program.

  • This:

Seems unnecessarily challenging just to be able to build and run my Xcode app on my own machine.

I can’t help you with the first; it’s possible that someone might chime in here but my general advice is that, if you encounter programme issues, you contact the programme support folks via Apple > Developer > Contact Us.

With regards the second, it is possible to run your own code on your own devices without paying to join the Apple Developer Program. If you’re having problems setting that up, start a new thread here on DevForums with the details and I’ll reply there.

IMPORTANT Tag it with Code Signing so that I see it.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Apple Developer Experiences / Cannot build XCode project locally