App getting rejected for Guideline 5.1.1 and am unable to understand why

Hello, My team and I are trying to publish an app (It's our first time doing this). The app allows users to purchase self-guided tours using in-app purchases. Users can browse, find tours and see a preview of a tour without registration. However we require registration for the in-app purchase as this is linked to a user account. This is because there is a possibility that someone has bought a tour on an android device and is coming here plus this is the only way that we can enable the users to recover their account if they lose their device so it seems like a logical thing to do right? We only require an email ID and password and not a lot of info for registering. We have tried to explain this multiple times but this is the response we get:

""Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

We noticed that your app requires users to register with personal information to purchase in-app purchase products that are not account based.

Apps cannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app content and features that are not associated specifically to the user. User registration that requires the sharing of personal information must be optional or tied to account-specific functionality.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app to not require users to register before purchasing in-app purchase products that are not account based. You may explain to the user that registering will enable them to access the purchased content from any of their supported devices and provide them a way to register at any time, if they wish to later extend access to additional devices.""

How is buying a tour not account specific? We also checked 2 competitor apps who offer audio tours and they require sign-ins before buying a tour. What are we missing here? Any help would be much appreciated.

Do as Apple says and not as the other does. In-app purchases are for enabling features and/or services within an app. If you want to sell tours or real live events to your users, then a website is better suited for that business model.

These are self-guided tours which means that they are experienced using the app itself with audio and maps integration so unfortunately it's not suited to a website. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

App getting rejected for Guideline 5.1.1 and am unable to understand why