Crash during App Review - We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch

Hey, We are currently having an issue trying to distribute our app to App Store.

We keep getting the same response from Apple and are trying our best to fix it.

This is the error we are getting:


The issues we previously identified still need your attention.

If you have any questions, we are here to help. Reply to this message in App Store Connect and let us know.

Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness

We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue.

Review device details:

  • Device type: iPad Air (5th generation)
  • OS version: iOS 17.3.1

Next Steps

To address the crash in your app, follow these steps:

  1. Fully symbolicate the crash report. See Adding Identifiable Symbol Names to a Crash Report for an explanation of the symbolication process.
  2. Match the crash report to a common pattern. Based on the pattern, take specific actions to further investigate the crash. See Identifying the Cause of Common Crashes.
  3. Test your app on a device to ensure that it now runs as expected.
  4. Once you’ve addressed the crash, create and submit a new build to the App Store for review.

Here are previous crashlogs.

We can see it has something to do with a "PathProviderPlugin" and we have no clue where we are using it. We can only see it in generated files in xcode.

We are having no problems downloading the app on physical iOS devices or emulators and we are not getting any crashes/errors either.

We had people test our app in TestFlight without any problems either a few months ago.

The only solution I've found on the internet is the problem only exists within iPads, so we tried to remove iPads, iMac and Apple Vision Pro from the desitations in xcode, but they still tested it on an iPad.

We are in a bit of a hurry with releasing our app because we have users waiting since last week.

Anyone have any idea what we are missing? Any input is appreciated and we hope to hear from you!

Best regards, Steffen G.

Answered by Steffen_G in 782377022

Alright, we found a solution. Finally haha.

You need to get the Apple Distribution certificate and create an App Store provising profile within: (Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles) if you haven't already.

Then in XCode you go "Product" -> "Edit Scheme" -> "Archive" change it from debug to release and then archive your project with your app distribution profile you created.

The app will crash if you compile your app directly from xcode using your app distribution profile and it will also crash if you use your apple development profile to App Store/Test Flight.

When compiling use Apple Development Profile when archiving in RELEASE mode use Apple Distribution Profile.

Same here. Apple is not being helpful at all here. We also removed iPad and they tested it still, but they didn't even provide crash logs for us. We're pretty lost because we cannot even reproduce it as they don't allow iOS 17.3.1 to be downloaded for the simulator

Yea, these crash logs was from our previous build (we assume it is the same error happening), the newest one didnt have any crash logs either.. Hopefully someone here in the community can help. I wrote to Apple Review team and will give the answer here once I get it

We can see that it crashes now. We put the app on testflight and it does crash on start up. We can still not see any errors regarding it. There is something between compiling release mode directly from xcode to physical phone and then distributing the app.

I guess it's a good start - now we have a way to do some changes and test it instead of waiting for an app review everytime.

I will keep you updated if I find any solution :)

Update: It's most likely have something to do with certificates. We were having an development profile. Within

Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Profiles add a new one for "Distribution" -> "App Store Connect".

I am going home from now but will keep working tomorrow on the problem and hopefully find a solution tomorrow :)

Accepted Answer

Alright, we found a solution. Finally haha.

You need to get the Apple Distribution certificate and create an App Store provising profile within: (Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles) if you haven't already.

Then in XCode you go "Product" -> "Edit Scheme" -> "Archive" change it from debug to release and then archive your project with your app distribution profile you created.

The app will crash if you compile your app directly from xcode using your app distribution profile and it will also crash if you use your apple development profile to App Store/Test Flight.

When compiling use Apple Development Profile when archiving in RELEASE mode use Apple Distribution Profile.

Crash during App Review - We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch