Where I can find ip range for iOS app?

I want to know the ip range when Apple to check my app, so that I can open FW in my company, does anyone help me?

Apple own 17.* . * . *. That may or may not be where the requests come from.

You will need to accept connections from anywhere when the app is live. Why do you need to block connections now?

Our app is to used inside company, we used ADEP but it looks we can't extend ADEP but have to switch to ADP. Our app connect to production data, we don't want to Apple view our real data, so we want to let Apple to connect to our staging site, that FW is not public basiclly, we need to open it for range IP but not limitless ip, this is why I want to range of IP when Apple review our app....

Our app is to used inside company

Beware, Apple may not want it on the app store if it's a "private" app.

Note if you search the forum you will find this question about IP ranges asked previously; I don't recall any more detailed answers but maybe I missed something.

Where I can find ip range for iOS app?