shortcut file pointing to "rejectable" URL included in app ok?


So I know an app will get rejected during App Store review if it includes the ability to open any Settings app URLs other than the main settings page or the app's own settings page, so you can't go directly to the Wi-Fi settings page for example.

Wondering though if I create an iOS shortcut file via the Shortcuts app that includes the ability to open a "rejectable" URL (such as a sub-page of the Settings app) and include it in my app that the user can then open and install the shortcut to their device and use outside of my app, is that ok? I can share it via email, AirDrop, etc. no problem and it works on other devices.

If the above is NOT ok, would it be ok if the app had a link to a web site that hosted the shortcut file so it wasn't actually embedded in my app itself?

If it is ok, also wondering if shared shortcut files expire or have a validity period? I know the Settings app URLs can change at any time which would break the shortcut but not worried about updating the app if that happens with a new shortcut.



shortcut file pointing to "rejectable" URL included in app ok?