It is 2024. WebGPU has been available for Safari on desktops since December of last year, as well as other browsers for quite some time. It's about time it was made available on the IPAD; at the very least as an advanced feature.

WebGPU provides many opportunities to create compelling experiences in other browsers on different device, but not in the Safari browser for IPAD users.

I bought an IPAD a few years ago, but the lack of ability and sub-par software, is one of the reasons I can't justify buying another, and many students feel this way. I know so many that are still buying android and surface pros because we are being held back from both creating and consuming newly possible web experiences when we use IOS devices.

There are quite a few other things we need, such as a proper set of dev tools, even just for the browser, but webGPU is a must in order to stay competitive. Students who bought IPADs for school and for development need to be allowed to keep up with those using other platforms. Machine Learning, Signal processing, image processing, anything could benefit from compute shaders and uniforms... massive number crunching capability is a must going forward in the web, and those with IPADs need to be allowed to take part.

More capabilities will equal more sales.

IPADs needed WebGPU yesterday

Hi @pacera, WebGPU is available as an early preview for testing in iOS 17.4, similar to the way it is supported on Safari Technology Preview. It can be enabled via Safari's Settings -> Advanced -> WebKit Feature Flags in the Settings app.

Please note, the implementation in iOS 17.4 is an early preview and targeted towards website developers. It is not fully functional and that is why it is disabled by default.