GKLocalPlayer.local.isMultiplayerGamingRestricted not representing all relevant scenarios?

I need clarification on the GKLocalPlayer.local.isMultiplayerGamingRestricted behavior which check's user's device capability (whether it is set up to allow or disallow multiplayer)

I am referring to this from Apple documentation at : https://developer.apple.com/documentation/gamekit/authenticating_a_player if GKLocalPlayer.local.isMultiplayerGamingRestricted { // Disable multiplayer game features. }

The issue is that this is a boolean (true/false value )

However I have noticed that iOS ( latest version and preceding versions) allow people to have the following options: ( you can set these under screen time -> content restrictions -> Multiplayer games )

  1. Disallow all multiplayer games - presumably your API returns a false for


  1. Allow multiplayer with friends only -???? what does GKLocalPlayer.local.isMultiplayerGamingRestricted return here?? if True, how is the Friends only restriction handled? Are we supposed to do something to force it? Note: So far I am relying on Apple's Game Center native experience and have not added wrappers to do additional filtering etc. I hope that I shall be able to keep doing so.

  2. Allow all multiplayer games - presumably your API returns a false for


You can see how there are three choices but this is modeled as a boolean. Choice number 2. is not addressed.

Has anyone come across this? Note: This is very different from checking for underage users.

No matter what I do, in my post above, it won't set the correct numbers for numbered bullet -points. I call them 1, 2, 3 it posts 1,1,2 or 1.,2,1 etc. ( side nit ) Apologies if this isn't as readable as it should be.

Answered by GigiSehgalLLC in 783910022

I got a reply via email. For those who are interested, the "Multiplayer with Friends Only" Option gets handled by Game Center. Apps only need check for whether Disallow All Multiplayer is turned on.

Accepted Answer

I got a reply via email. For those who are interested, the "Multiplayer with Friends Only" Option gets handled by Game Center. Apps only need check for whether Disallow All Multiplayer is turned on.

GKLocalPlayer.local.isMultiplayerGamingRestricted not representing all relevant scenarios?