Command compileSkybox failed with a nonzero exit code

Every time I try to build my Vision Pro app using Xcode Cloud, I get the error "Command compileSkybox failed with a nonzero exit code". I have even tried to build a completely empty project (settings: "Volume", "Reality Kit" and "Progressive") and I still get the error. When I build the project locally, there are no errors. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

Here is the complete xcodebuild-archive.log

Removing the default ***.skybox file fixed the issue for me.

I am running into the same issue -- I believe the problem is the following error log:

There is no available Metal device on this system.

It seems Xcode Cloud does not use Apple silicon unfortunately and it seems Metal is required to compile a Skybox resource...

So I'm not sure how to move forward with this -- I tried to see if there's a way to "pre-compile" a Skybox resource but I haven't figured anything out yet. I'm going to file a Radar.

I have the same issue. Does this mean that any visionOS apps cannot use Xcode Cloud?

Is this ever going to get fixed?

I have the same issue. Removing my skybox is not an option for my app :(

Command compileSkybox failed with a nonzero exit code