XCode Cloud with Azure Devops-hosted Git?

Probably a long shot, but is there any way to use Xcode Cloud if I don't use any of the "big three" Git providers? My source control is Git, but it's provided by a tiny little startup called "Microsoft," (Azure Devops) and there doesn't seem to be any sort of manual config I can set up to give Xcode cloud access to it...

Any information?

Having the same problem. Is there anyway to use Devops hosted git for Xcode?

So for what it's worth, I was never able to make this work. My particular app wasn't very big, so I created a private repo on Github as a second origin to push to, and just sync it when I want to do a build. It's clumsy (and wouldn't work if you can't use Github for whatever reason), but it got me by. Hopefully Apple will eventually add "generic" Git support.

XCode Cloud with Azure Devops-hosted Git?