Integration of OCR Technology in the files App

Dear Mr. Cook,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Bonginkosi Ntokozo Gift Gumede, and I am reaching out to you from KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, where I work as a qualified pharmacist in a rural setting. My admiration for Apple's dedication to innovation, especially in making technology accessible and useful for everyone, compels me to share an idea that has the potential to significantly enhance productivity for professionals across various industries.

Apple has already revolutionized how we interact with information through the OCR technology integrated into the Photos app on iPhones and iPads. This brilliant feature has set a new standard for convenience and efficiency. Building on this success, I propose an extension of the OCR capabilities into the Files app, coupled with an innovative function: the ability to extract specific data (such as invoice numbers, dates, amounts, etc.) from scanned documents directly into a Numbers or Excel spreadsheet.

Imagine a businessman with a PDF containing 174 invoices. Currently, extracting invoice numbers and other relevant data for analysis is a daunting task, often requiring additional, sometimes inaccessible, hardware and software solutions. This is a significant challenge in areas like mine, where procuring such equipment is difficult. By integrating this enhanced OCR functionality into the Files app, Apple can empower users to effortlessly organize, analyse, and manage their data, transforming the way we interact with digital documents.

I am motivated by the desire to see technology solve real, tangible problems, and I believe this feature could be a game-changer for many. While I do not seek any form of payment for this idea, I would be honoured to be recognized as the inventor of this concept in its implementation in Apple products. This would not only be a personal achievement but also a testament to how Apple truly listens to its users from all corners of the globe, making a difference in their daily lives.

Thank you for considering this proposal. I am confident that this feature could further solidify Apple's reputation as a leader in innovation and user-centric technology. I am looking forward to the possibility of this idea becoming a reality, making a significant impact on users worldwide.

Warm regards,

Bonginkosi Ntokozo Gift Gumede

Qualified Pharmacist B. Pharm (Rhodes University) KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Integration of OCR Technology in the files App