SwiftUI - List multi selection move / reorder (works on Mac but not on iOS)

How can I enable multi-select and then move / reorder selected items in a List with ForEach (in SwiftUI)?

I tried the following code. On Mac it works fine - it allows me to select multiple items, and then drag them all together to another place in the list. On iOS it allows me to move individual items with drag-and-drop, and allows me to enter Edit mode to select multiple items but when I try to move the selected items with drag-and-drop, they can be dragged but they can't be dropped elsewhere in the list:

struct ExampleListView: View {
    @State var items = ["Dave", "Tom", "Jeremy", "Luke", "Phil"]
    @State var selectedItems: Set<String> = .init()
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(selection: $selectedItems) {
                ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
                }.onMove(perform: move)
            .navigationBarItems(trailing: EditButton())
    func move(from source: IndexSet, to destination: Int) {
        items.move(fromOffsets: source, toOffset: destination)

This code has the same behavior:

struct ExampleListView: View {
    @State var items = ["Dave", "Tom", "Jeremy", "Luke", "Phil"]
    @State var selectedItems: Set<String> = .init()
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List($items, id: \.self, editActions: .all, selection: $selectedItems) { $item in
            .navigationBarItems(trailing: EditButton())
    func move(from source: IndexSet, to destination: Int) {
        items.move(fromOffsets: source, toOffset: destination)
Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 783890022

Hi @chetan51 , this is a known issue in iOS, please file a feedback report at https://feedbackassistant.apple.com in Developer Technologies and SDKs -> iOS -> SwiftUI as that always helps!

Accepted Answer

Hi @chetan51 , this is a known issue in iOS, please file a feedback report at https://feedbackassistant.apple.com in Developer Technologies and SDKs -> iOS -> SwiftUI as that always helps!

SwiftUI - List multi selection move / reorder (works on Mac but not on iOS)