Xcode Cloud Invalid Signature TN2206 error

Hello guys, I've been dealing with one error in my xcode cloud configuration. I want to auto-deploy the app version to Testflight on something is merged to main branch. Of course if I do at my local environment it works perfect. But when I try to execute it at XCode Cloud I've got this error.

I really don't have any idea about how to fix it. Thanks a lot for your time 😊

Invalid Signature. The main app bundle SyncTion at path SyncTion.app has following signing error(s): valid on disk SyncTion.app: does not satisfy its designated Requirement SyncTion.app: explicit requirement satisfied . Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide at http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/AboutCS/AboutCS.html and Technical Note 2206 at https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/technotes/tn2206/_index.html for more information.

I found this error in the Packaging.log

2024-03-30 12:07:42 +0000 [MT] [OPTIONAL] Didn't find embedded provisioning profile for <DVTFilePath:0x6000015cc310:'/Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~XnN0Th/Root/Applications/SyncTion.app'>: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "No file at <DVTFilePath:0x600001152280:'/Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~XnN0Th/Root/Applications/SyncTion.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile'>" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No file at <DVTFilePath:0x600001152280:'/Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~XnN0Th/Root/Applications/SyncTion.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile'>}

I found this error to at IDEDistribution.critical.log

2024-03-30 16:52:51 +0000 [MT] Command line name "app-store" is deprecated. Use "app-store-connect" instead.
2024-03-30 16:52:51 +0000  App Store Connect request for store configuration failed for account Session Proxy Provider (Account "Session Proxy Provider": Unable to authenticate with App Store Connect (Error Domain=DVTITunesSoftwareServiceFoundation.DVTServicesSessionProviderCredentialITunesAuthenticationContextError Code=1 "(null)"))

Hi! I keep stuck here, I tried with another account and the error didn't appear, the problem, the account is not mine. I need to fix this. I think that this error is something happening in my xcode account, even after removing de Xcode cloud data and making all from scratch in my account. Looks like it's a problem in my account and I don't find a solution so I write to apple a couple of days ago requesting help because I am desperate to fix that.

Another conclusion that I arrived is that the error that xcode cloud shows at first is not valid. iOS fails in the logs with the same errors but the conclusion error is diferent (the first one that I published). For some reason my xcode cloud is not able to communicate with App Store Connect as this error shows

2024-03-30 16:52:51 +0000  App Store Connect request for store configuration failed for account Session Proxy Provider (Account "Session Proxy Provider": Unable to authenticate with App Store Connect (Error Domain=DVTITunesSoftwareServiceFoundation.DVTServicesSessionProviderCredentialITunesAuthenticationContextError Code=1 "(null)"))

As a consecuence after this error happend this other one

2024-04-04 23:53:38 +0000 [MT] [OPTIONAL] Didn't find embedded provisioning profile for <DVTFilePath:0x60000223ad80:'/Volumes/workspace/tmp/b31b64a6-fcfa-498d-9deb-08352e9ea58d.xcarchive/Products/Applications/SyncTion.app'>: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "No file at <DVTFilePath:0x600003f36b50:'/Volumes/workspace/tmp/b31b64a6-fcfa-498d-9deb-08352e9ea58d.xcarchive/Products/Applications/SyncTion.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile'>" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No file at <DVTFilePath:0x600003f36b50:'/Volumes/workspace/tmp/b31b64a6-fcfa-498d-9deb-08352e9ea58d.xcarchive/Products/Applications/SyncTion.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile'>}

2024-04-04 23:53:38 +0000 [MT] [OPTIONAL] Didn't find platform <DVTPlatform:0x600003f006c0:'com.apple.platform.macosx':<DVTFilePath:0x60000231e000:'/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform'>> or cert (null) for <DVTFilePath:0x60000223ad80:'/Volumes/workspace/tmp/b31b64a6-fcfa-498d-9deb-08352e9ea58d.xcarchive/Products/Applications/SyncTion.app'>: (null)

And I found this error in the logs too

2024-04-04 23:53:45 +0000  Xcode couldn't find any Mac App Store provisioning profiles matching 'com.synctionlabs.synction'.

And this

2024-04-04 23:53:38 +0000  App Store Connect response failed with unknown failure for credential <DVTFoundation.DVTServicesSessionProviderCredential: 0x6000005d0860>; response (null); error (null).
2024-04-04 23:53:38 +0000  App Store Connect request for store configuration for credential <DVTFoundation.DVTServicesSessionProviderCredential: 0x6000005d0860>; configuration: (null); error DVTITunesSoftwareServiceFoundation.DVTServicesSessionProviderCredentialITunesAuthenticationContextError.proxy

If somebody has the same issue please write it here just to know it.

I too have this issue. Did you ever find a solution?

Xcode Cloud Invalid Signature TN2206 error