The content regarding app forced termination in the Apple guidelines

Hello. I remember seeing the recommendation to avoid app forced termination in the HIG or App Store Review Guidelines, but I can't find it now. Could you please provide information on this topic?

There is only one reference to termination in the guidelines:


(a)ASR & NR Don’t include any hidden, dormant, or undocumented features in your app; your app’s functionality should be clear to end users and App Review. All new features, functionality, and product changes must be described with specificity in the Notes for Review section of App Store Connect (generic descriptions will be rejected) and accessible for review. Similarly, marketing your app in a misleading way, such as by promoting content or services that it does not actually offer (e.g. iOS-based virus and malware scanners) or promoting a false price, whether within or outside of the App Store, is grounds for removal of your app from the App Store or a block from installing via alternative distribution and termination of your developer account.

The content regarding app forced termination in the Apple guidelines