Webview in iOS 17.4.1 performance issue

Hi all,

An app that until yesterday would take 1 second to render a list in the WKWebView is now taking over 3 minutes to load.

No changes have been made to the app or the content that it is showing.

I have tested on a device running 17.3, and performance has been acceptable, and then updated to the latest security fix (17.4.1) and now 3 minutes.

Having read the release notes https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT214097 I cant see what would have affected either the processing of javascript or the rendering of content within the web view.

My team is currently running all our apps that use a hosted WKWebView within it to ensure that they aren't affected, but this one app is now unusable and safety concern for the users (Airline Safety).

Has anyone else experienced this or has a workaround - Sorry there are no logs (I have been scanning the device logs and nothing new is appearing - almost as if the operation is just dead locked).

I have been having problems with WebView as well, but my problem is to load the content on Xcode Cloud UI tests. The app in production and debug works normally: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/748258

Please file an issue using Feedback Assistant just after reproducing the issue. It should have enough logs to help us identify the issue. Be sure to give clear instructions for how to reproduce the issue.


I have submitted a Feedback issue - FB13706224. The app used to highlight this is controlled by ABM, so I hope you can get access to it.

I haven't heard anything back with regardless to the feedback issue or this. Can I get some indication as to what is going on?

Webview in iOS 17.4.1 performance issue