Timeline Apple legal name dispute

We have submitted a legal dispute 2,5 weeks ago for the App name we have a trademark for and is in use in the App Store. The business owning the name currently doesn't exsist anymore and the e-mail contact is also not reachable. There has been no update from Apple but with the company not exsisting anymore there shouldn't be an issue with us taking back the name without action from the current (not exsisting) owner right?

Does anyone have an idea for how long we will need to wait for?

I don't understand.

You say you have a trademark on the name but also speak of The business owning the name currently …

How could you get a valid trademark is the name is owned by someone else (even if out of business) ?

Who owns the name at the end ?

IMHO, delay does not depend on Appstore but on your legal battle resolution.

Are you still waiting?

Timeline Apple legal name dispute