Somebody is downloading all the old versions of our apps

Hello, we found something odd happening to at least 3 of our apps (we have 6 total) at App Store: in the statistics provided by App Store Connect we can see that somebody is downloading all the old versions of our app on their Desktop (another odd thing, our apps are intended for iOS, meaning iPad/iPhone, not MacOS desktops) Couple of questions:

  1. how is it even possible, to download an old version of somebody else's app?
  2. have you ever seen this with your or somebody else's apps?

We have already contacted Apple Support, they said they will investigate it, but we have not heard anything back from them


I Think they are trying to use them to train some AI,

This just happened to me today. One country, downloaded all versions of my app. Did not even know it was possible. Did you hear anything from apple?

They did not use the app though (as they made no calls to my server), only downloaded it, so I am guessing it is being used for some training or analytics.

Could be reverse engineering.

Somebody is downloading all the old versions of our apps