89 / 5.000 Kết quả dịch Kết quả bản dịch Apple locks company accounts for no reason, affecting the company's business strategy

We are the company with around 1500 staff from Vietnam.

A stranger used our company DUNS number to register for an Apple account. After a period of fighting and proving with Apple, we got our account back. However, after that Apple notified us as shown below and locked the account. I received no explanation from Apple.

I don't understand why Apple allowed our company's DUNS number to register an invalid account. And now affects the company's digital transformation plan and business strategy. Obviously this is Apple's fault but we as customers have to bear it. I don't know what to do next. Please provide us the advice

Email from Apple:

We're contacting you regarding your request to reinstate your Apple Developer Program membership, which was terminated on 2024-02-09.

After a thorough evaluation, we aren’t granting your appeal to reinstate the Apple Developer Program.

Please note that this decision is final. We won’t process subsequent appeals.

Sincerely, Apple Developer Program Support

Has anyone encountered a similar situation or have any suggestions to help me?

89 / 5.000 Kết quả dịch Kết quả bản dịch Apple locks company accounts for no reason, affecting the company's business strategy