iCloud Drive on iOS extremely slow to load and causing app issues

Previously iCloud Drive worked fine on my iPhone (15 Pro), but within the last couple of months it seems to have died. It continues to work fine on other connected devices (iPad, MBP etc), but will not work on iPhone.

This issue seemed to begin roughly around the early 17.4 betas, but was also present in the public release and has continued on to the current 17.5 betas.

I initially noticed WhatsApp couldn't back up to iCloud despite all the options being turned on. I assumed this was a WhatsApp issue. But I've recently noticed that Castro hangs on every single load and then crashes. I know that Castro does an initial call to iCloud to check back-ups etc so I went to have a look at iCloud Drive itself on my device - every single time I open Files, iCloud Drive takes 10-15 minutes to load/show anything. So it seems that iCloud Drive is not "holding" any information/content and is then taking an age to load, which is causing these other apps to time-out and crash.

Turning off iCloud Drive on the device (a 35 minute waiting process) stops the issues and the apps work fine (aside from now not being able to back-up to iCloud as it's off), but resetting, allowing to re-sync again, does not resolve the issue on the device at all, and if it's turned back on, the apps begin to fail again, and even after a full re-sync it takes 10-15 minutes to load every time.

To note; my connection is not an issue, and I have more than enough space on-device to cache/store stuff that's required.

Any thoughts on what could be causing the issue and how to resolve?

Not really a question for third-party app developers. You should probably go to the product support forums: discussions.apple.com

iCloud Drive on iOS extremely slow to load and causing app issues