Can't add bank account to Apple developer program

Problem 1:

When I go to below url:

I can see a warning like below: "One or more tax forms still need to be completed for your account. Please submit them as soon as possible."

How to resolve this problem?

Problem 2:

In the same url as above, there is another warning: "A new version of Agreements, Tax, and Banking is now live. To continue and access all existing features, go to Business."

When I go to business as per instruction, I can't find a way to resolve this issue.

How to resolve this problem as well?

Problem 3:

In the same url as above, it is indicating that my "Paid Apps" status is "Active (Pending User Info)".

How to resolve this problem?

Problem 4:

When I click on the "Set Up Tax and Banking", it leads me to below url:

In this url, there are two options:

a. Add Bank Account

b. Select Tax Forms

a. If I select "Add Bank Account", it opts for OTP. After entering OTP successfully, it is loading forever.

b. If I select "Select Tax Forms", it shows that only "US Tax Form" is selected. When I click "Done" button, it is loading forever.

How to resolve this problem?

So far, I have added bank account in business, url below:

It is showing all the "Status"es of Agreement, Bank Accounts, Tax Forms and Compliance are "Active".

Could anyone please tell, is there anything missing from my side?

Can't add bank account to Apple developer program