Problem IOS Photo Permission

I'm encountering a problem on some Iphone models with photo gallery authorization.

On some devices, the authorization only displays "add photos" and "None". However, for many devices, most of them have "Full access", "Limited access" and "None" authorizations, which means that you can't access the gallery.

Example of device affected by the bug: Iphone 11 IOS 17.3.

I tested on an emulator with the same version, but it works with all 3 authorizations.

In Info.plist , I have the following information:


<string>The application wants to have access to your camera to help you add photos to your worksites.</string>


<string>The application wants access to your photos to help you add photos to your building sites.</string>


<string>The application wants access to your photos to help you add photos to your worksites.</string>

Hello @Haja-RAZAKASON,

Delivering an Enhanced Privacy Experience in Your Photos App notes that "If your app only adds to the library, use the NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription key. For all other cases, use NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription."

There is no scenario where you would need both keys. Since your app can read and write, you only need the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key.

My suspicion is that you are also requesting both access levels in your app, and are possibly creating a race condition that determines which prompt you are seeing.

Problem IOS Photo Permission