Transferring String through HM-10 to Xcode Project

Hi, so I have looked through a lot of the Arduino forums and some of which have been helpful and others not so much. I am trying to transfer data from my arduino uno r4 wifi to my xcode project through my HM-10 XC4382 BLE Bluetooth Module. I am trying to essentially scan an RFID tag and transmit the name and UUID to the phone app to acknowledge the tag has been scanned.

Every time I connect to my HM-10 module successfully on my phone but when I try and print the message it shows up as empty. When trying to debug it does show the statement when I scan the RFID tag each time which tells me it is being received but perhaps the format is not compatible with Xcode? Would appreciate any assistance 🙂

I have both arduino code and swift code. In my arduino code, I am working with RFID Scanner (from Jaycar) using the MFRC522 library and is connected the following ways:

Apologies if I may have missed some code / context to this question. Thank you!

RFID Module Setup 3.3V - 3.3V RST - 9 GND - GND MISO - 12 MOSI - 11 SCK - 13 SDA - 10

HM-10 Setup 5V - 5V GND - GND RX - TX (arduino) TX - RX (arduino)

Find code attached in text files.