App Review Delayed for a Long Time

Hello everyone,

I'm a developer, and my app has been submitted for review on the Apple App Store. Unfortunately, it has been in the "In Review" status for quite a long time now, and I haven't received any updates or review results yet. I'm very concerned that this situation might have a negative impact on my project.

I have made the necessary modifications to the app as per Apple's requirements, addressing all issues raised during the previous review, and have provided the relevant qualifications. I'm confident that my app complies with all Apple review guidelines and requirements.

However, despite my best efforts, my app has not yet been approved for release. I have invested a significant amount of time and resources in developing this project, and it has garnered interest and anticipation from users. I really hope to be able to make the app available to users as soon as possible to meet their needs.

I would like to ask the developers and Apple staff in the forum if anyone has encountered a similar situation. How did you resolve it? What steps should I take to address the current issue? Do you have any advice or guidance?

My user Apple ID is 6499257545, and if this information is needed to provide further assistance, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Thank you very much for your help and support!

Currently, I have replied about the refusal of the review 2-3 times, but there has been no review for 2-3 days. This is the first time I've had this experience. I don't know how long the author has been reviewing it, but I'm currently waiting for this kind of review.

App Review Delayed for a Long Time