Poor Docker Rosetta Performance after Sonoma 14.5 Update


I utilize Microsoft MSSQL (mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2022-latest) on my M3 MacBook Pro. I have been running this Docker image with platform emulation set to linux/amd64 without issue for several months. After upgrading to Sonoma 14.5, I have been facing poor performance with Rosetta emulation on my Mac. Things that worked prior to the update no longer work. Cross post of: MSSQL Docker Github issue.

Any support is appreciated. Thank you!

Any word on this? I have had this corroborated by others

We're seeing our Docker PostGIS database get corrupted periodically under 14.5. There's no official ARM image for PostGIS yet, so we're using the amd64 version. I can't say we've noticed a performance change in 14.5, but we've started seeing the corruption across multiple developer computers and the only common thread is that it's happening on computers that have upgraded to 14.5, but not on ones that are still on 14.4.

I started to have issues with Docker Desktop recently too. MySQL or MSSQL docker images with rosetta emulation have really poor performance now and they are restarting from time to time on heavy loads.

I am experiencing error like these ones:

de.hybris.platform.jdbcwrapper.interceptor.recover.RecoveryInProgressException: Recovery in progress. Please try again later. [java] at de.hybris.platform.jdbcwrapper.interceptor.recover.SQLRecoverableExceptionHandler.get(SQLRecoverableExceptionHandler.java:59) ~[coreserver.jar:?]

Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: SQL Server did not return a response. The connection has been closed.

Poor Docker Rosetta Performance after Sonoma 14.5 Update