401 error when validating IAP receipt using App Store Server API before App first release


I'm using the App Store Server API for in-app purchase receipt validation. However I received 401 error status code.

  • My app is ready for submit in App Store Connect, but not yet published the first version.
  • The receipt is generated using StoreKit test configuration and follow the Sandbox testing instruction. It is generated on a real device using Sandbox Apple account registered in the App Sandbox tester section.
  • If I go back to use the deprecated verifyReceipt API sandbox endpoint, I get {'status': 21002} error instead.

Is it expected for an App that has not yet published in App Store?

If not, is there any way to test the in-app purchase server-side validation before the App is release?

Could you file and reply with your feedback assistant #? This sounds expected but we will need to verify. Providing in the ticket the app ID #, the base64 encoded app receipt, sandbox Apple ID and the verifyReceipt response will be very helpful. Thanks.

401 error when validating IAP receipt using App Store Server API before App first release