SIGABORT with ExtAudioFileWrite and .m4a file


I am getting into a trap. Please check stack-trace, howto fix this?

regards, Joël

Thread 18 Crashed:: Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer - clock
0   AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194c3a378 CADeprecated::CABufferList::BytesConsumed(unsigned int) + 240
1   AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194c4e178 ExtAudioFile::WriteInputProc(OpaqueAudioConverter*, unsigned int*, AudioBufferList*, AudioStreamPacketDescription**, void*) + 208
2   AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194ceae9c caulk::expected caulk::function_ref (ACAudioSpan&)>::functor_invoker(caulk::details::erased_callable (ACAudioSpan&)> const&, ACAudioSpan&) + 176
3   AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194c35d34 acv2::AudioConverterChain::ObtainInput(acv2::AudioConverterBase&, unsigned int) + 552
4   AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194d9e614 acv2::CodecConverter::ProduceOutput(ACAudioSpan&) + 2060
5   AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194c35204 acv2::AudioConverterChain::ProduceOutput(caulk::function_ref (ACAudioSpan&)>, ACBaseAudioSpan&) + 180
6   AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194cea93c acv2::AudioConverterV2::fillComplexBuffer(int (*)(OpaqueAudioConverter*, unsigned int*, AudioBufferList*, AudioStreamPacketDescription**, void*), void*, unsigned int*, AudioBufferList*, AudioStreamPacketDescription*, AudioStreamPacketDependencyInfo*) + 1132
7   AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194cedbd0 with_resolved(OpaqueAudioConverter*, caulk::function_ref) + 60
8   AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194cee098 AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer + 88
9   AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194c4d84c ExtAudioFile::WritePacketsFromCallback(int (*)(OpaqueAudioConverter*, unsigned int*, AudioBufferList*, AudioStreamPacketDescription**, void*), void*) + 188
10  AudioToolboxCore              	       0x194cf56c4 ExtAudioFileWrite + 84
11  libags_audio.dylib            	       0x10234bbd8 ags_audio_toolbox_write + 248
12  libags_audio.dylib            	       0x10233e8c8 ags_audio_file_write + 364 (ags_audio_file.c:2460)
13  libags_audio.dylib            	       0x102332d24 ags_export_thread_run + 284 (ags_export_thread.c:505)
14  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib        	       0x10214fa54 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID + 264 (gmarshal.c:117)
15  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib        	       0x10214b7b8 g_type_class_meta_marshal + 132 (gclosure.c:1035)
16  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib        	       0x10214aa74 g_closure_invoke + 700 (gclosure.c:834)
17  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib        	       0x1021743f4 signal_emit_unlocked_R + 3560 (gsignal.c:3928)
18  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib        	       0x10217239c signal_emit_valist_unlocked + 4008 (gsignal.c:3520)
19  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib        	       0x1021713c8 g_signal_emit_valist + 60 (gsignal.c:3263)
20  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib        	       0x10217282c g_signal_emit + 56 (gsignal.c:3583)
21  libags_thread.dylib           	       0x101713eb0 ags_thread_run + 252 (ags_thread.c:3176)
22  libags_thread.dylib           	       0x101713d40 ags_thread_loop + 696 (ags_thread.c:2958)
23  libglib-2.0.0.dylib           	       0x1032f1afc g_thread_proxy + 192 (gthread.c:835)
24  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	       0x192a7ef94 _pthread_start + 136
25  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	       0x192a79d34 thread_start + 8

Hi Joël,

It's unclear from the stack trace whether the problem is occurring due to something about the audio formats involved, the sizes of the audio frames being converted and written, or due to some internal issue in ExtAudioFile or AudioConverter. Either way, it should not be crashing like that, and we'd appreciate the opportunity to investigate further.

Please file a report via so that we can collect more information about the issue and investigate it with the best chance of success.

When filing the report, it would be very helpful to:

  • Select "Developer Technologies & SDKs" for where to start the feedback.
  • For "Which technology does your report involve", select "Core Audio".
  • Include a link to this forum thread.
  • Collect and attach a sysdiagnose (see or at the very least the full crash report (.ips file)
  • If possible, supply the source code for a minimal example small program demonstrating the issue; this would allow us to quickly reproduce the issue and troubleshoot on our end.
  • If including an example program is not practical, please try to provide as much context as possible; for example: the exact audio formats involved (the values of the AudioStreamBasicDescription structures provided to ExtAudioFileCreateWithURL() and/or set via the kExtAudioFileProperty_FileDataFormat and kExtAudioFileProperty_ClientDataFormat properties with ExtAudioFileSetProperty()) and the parameters passed to ExtAudioFileWrite() when the crash occurred, if known.

Thanks, - rhymu

SIGABORT with ExtAudioFileWrite and .m4a file