Need to be able to upload non-sandboxed app for verifying a TestFlight related bug

I have an app in the App Store that doesn't need to be sandboxed (it's been in the MAS since 2010, before sandboxing became mandatory for new apps).

I have run into an obscure bug that ONLY appears when the app was installed by TestFlight, but not when I run the same executable from before the upload (taken from the very same archive). I suspect it's a bug around the installed receipt or is codesign related, because that's the only things I am aware of that would be changed between my upload and the re-download via TestFlight.

To debug this, I have built a small test project that I want to submit to DTS, demonstrating the bug in a clear and direct manner.

But when I try to upload it, even for "internal testing" only, the upload gets rejected automatically because it's missing the App Sandbox entitlement. However, if I add the entitlement, then my app won't work, so I cannot enable it.

Hence I need to get an exception from App Review so that they allow me test app being uploaded without the sandbox entitlement. I know that's possible because otherwise I'd not be able to upload my regular application, which I did just the other day.

How do I get this resolved? Would a member of the App Store team please contact me? The Apple ID for the test project is: 410006334. Or, alternatively, you can also use the newer 6503298614 (I tried the other in hopes it would be allowed not to be sandboxed because I had created it long ago, but that didn't work out).

Need to be able to upload non-sandboxed app for verifying a TestFlight related bug