Can’t upload screenshot to app connect

I’m trying to add screenshot for my new app, I did it the same way I have been doing this and it seems like there’s a issue with the website causing it to say that the images are still processing after hitting add to review. Is anyone having this issue, I’ve been trying on 3 different apple devices since 6pm EST.

Answered by App Store Connect Engineer in 789238022

Hello, thank you for these reports. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues with uploading screenshots for your app, please contact us.

Same here, I'm uploading photos directly exported from figma, which is what I usually do just fine. I'm assuming its something on apple's end. Hopefully it gets fixed soon

Same here. I have tried all the possibilities and the problem persists.

Same here. I've tried several times for three different apps over the last seven hours.

Hello, thank you for these reports. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues with uploading screenshots for your app, please contact us.

Can’t upload screenshot to app connect