Check if NSMicrophoneUsageDescription exists

In our third party SDK we would like to use microphone (as optional feature) in case the hosting app allows it.

From the docs requestRecordPermission will crash if no NSMicrophoneUsageDescription exists in the hosting app info.plist.

Obviously I don't want to crash the app. I would like to check if the hosting app will allow me to call requestRecordPermission before calling it?

Is it possible

ok my bad I think I can just ask for the following:

[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription"];
Accepted Answer

ok my bad I think I can just ask for the following:

[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription"];
Check if NSMicrophoneUsageDescription exists