Our app submission is being rejected with the following error message: TMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability.
We have thoroughly scanned our code and all dependent libraries for references to UIWebView and found none.
looking for help, on how to address this issue
Coming across messages about deprecated API usage can be quite perplexing, especially when you lack references to the affected API.
Please noticed that there was a deprecation warning for an extension until December 2020. All iOS apps should have been migrated to using WKWebView by now to avoid any compatibility problems. Given that you are receiving this message after four years, it's puzzling and we'll get to the bottom of it. Or is this your first submission to the App Store for that particular app?
Here are some steps you can take to investigate:
- Review Recent Changes: Check if you've added any new references or third-party libraries to your app in recent updates. Deprecated APIs might be lurking within these dependencies.
- Xcode and Third-Party Tools: Clarify whether you are using Xcode and any additional third-party tools or libraries for your development. A list of these would be greatly appreciated.
- App Store Link: If possible, provide a link to your published App Store app. We'll need to inspect the project dependencies thoroughly, including third-party tools, frameworks, and libraries, to track down the source of the deprecation.
This issue might have been caused by a recent update to a third-party library that has not been fully compliant with Apple's deprecation guidelines.
Did you previously update your app without encountering this deprecation notice?
Here is a related post that might provide some additional insight: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/122114
Your help in providing the requested information will be invaluable in resolving this problem.
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