Team ID suddenly changed

  1. I developed it as Unity. Originally, I updated Unity to the latest version to fix the problem of not being able to log in to Apple. That's when I found out my team ID had changed.

  2. The current Apple membership team ID is HBEMGSUAQ3, When I check "Automatically manage sing" in Xcode Selected with the team ID "ESB392LR64". Where did this team come from all of a sudden? I've only used "HVEMGSUAQ3" for a very long time. The change in ID was a test build while developing another project yesterday, but it changed then.

  3. If I manually select the provisioning profile of my project "Failed to install embedded profile for <appname> : 0xe800801f (Attempted to install a Beta profile without the proper entitlement.)" This error appears and the test installation is not possible..

  4. So I created a new certificate, identifier, and profile. However, it continues to be created with the ID of "ESB392LR64". Keychain registration is also naturally registered with "ESB392LR64" status. Again, my team ID is "HVEMGSUAQ3" and there is no way to check "ESB392LR64" on my dev page...

  5. This situation suddenly appeared when my certificates were updated with the ID of "ESB392LR64" on June 12, and What I suspect is that I updated my MacBook to the latest version of OS on the day of the issue.

Please let me know what's going on. I'm hoping it's not a big deal....

If you go to Xcode > Settings > Accounts, do you see more than one account there?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

ESB392LR64 is your team member ID, and it appears in the name of your personal signing certificates. This is disintct from your team ID, though these share the same 10-character format. So what you're seeing with identifiers sounds totally normal and expected.

It does sound like your'e hitting a signing or provisioning profile issue of some sort, which is likely what's led you to look into these identifiers. If so, please file a feedback report at and share the report number with us so that we can investigate the issue and follow up with you.

I'm just doing straight up Xcode with automatically managed signing. I'm getting upgrade errors because the team ID that Xcode has is different from the one showing on the developer portal. The one on the device is right, but the one Xcode is using has the wrong team member ID, so I'm confused.

Are you willing to share those IDs? If so, please post them and we can take a look here.

If not — and I totally understand the desire to keep your details private — then you can seek formal support for this via Apple > Developer > Contact Us.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Team ID is WFNDASXC9R Xcode keeps using WW2V9Q82B8

What sticks in my mind is that when I started using Apple to host my email domain, I changed the email address somehow with my developer account? It's just that the ID seems the same since these apps have been untouched since long before that.

It's funny how the really strange problems end up with you!


So, WFNDASXC9R is your Team ID.

I’m not sure what WW2V9Q82B8 is. I can say it’s definitely not a Team ID.

I suspect that WW2V9Q82B8 is the unique identifier for your signing identity. For example, if I open the certificate for my individual signing identity in Keychain Access I see this:

  • In the Common Name field there’s Apple Development: Quinn Quinn (7XFU7D52S4).

  • In the Organisation Unit field there’s SKMME9E2Y8.

SKMME9E2Y8 is my Team ID. 7XFU7D52S4 is an ID that the Developer website embeds in my signing identity’s name to make it unique.

Written by endres in 812643022
It's funny how the really strange problems end up with you!

I go where other’s fear to tread (-:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

That development one for me is A9U365295Y. There was a distribution certificate in there with WFNDASXC9R in the common name. I revoked it on Monday to see if that would help as well as clear out all the expired ones. Today I totally removed it, downloaded the old version to the phone and tried again. Same error with the same values.

Is there any way to get the identifiers in sync, or is automatic signing forever broken for all my apps now?

I removed and revoked the signing certificate that was there and had Xcode make new ones (after rereading the docs again). Now I was able to run from Xcode and get it installed.

Guess I over think things. As always, thanks for the help!

That led to an App Store Connect warning stating the opposite.

App Store Connect Warning
Potential Loss of Keychain Access. The previous version of software has an application-identifier value of [''] and the new version of software being submitted has an application-identifier of ['']. This will result in a loss of keychain access.

Ah, that helps clarify things. WFNDASXC9R is your Team ID. WW2V9Q82B8 is a unique App ID prefix.

Unique App ID prefixes are a legacy feature. It’s best to move away from them if you can. I talk about this in some detail in App ID Prefix Change and Keychain Access.

So, is your product already shipping? If so, you need to carefully think about how, and indeed if, you want to transition to using your Team ID as your prefix.

OTOH, if this product isn’t shipping then you definitely want to transition to using your Team ID before you ship.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Team ID suddenly changed