Does SubscriptionStoreView .storeButton(for:.policies) work?

I've added .storeButton(.visible, for:.policies) to my SubscriptionStoreView, and the buttons do appear, but when I tap on them I get a sheet that just says "Terms of Service Unavailable / Somethng went wrong. Try Again.". (similar for Privacy Policy).

Is this expected in development? Will these start working correctly in production? (and, more importantly, in App Review?)

The docs say that these use the values (i.e. URLs) set in App Store Connect, but that I can override those. This is a new app. Is that wrong, do I need to set the URLs explicitly?

Edited to add: the console reports: Failed to fetch terms of service and privacy policy: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1011 "(null)"

Does SubscriptionStoreView .storeButton(for:.policies) work?