Where to answer the app distribution questions during an app review

I got the feedback from app review that I need to clarify a few things about my add distribution. Here is the what apple told me to do. Where do I put the answers for these questions at? Also, let's say I pick unlisted app as the category, where do I put this information?

Here is what Apple asking me to do

We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we need more information about your business model and your users to help you find the best distribution option for your app.

Next Steps

Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question.

  1. Is your app restricted to users who are part of a single company? This may include users of the company's partners, employees, and contractors.
  2. Is your app designed for use by a limited or specific group of companies?
  • If yes, which companies use this app?
  • If not, can any company become a client and utilize this app?
  1. What features in the app, if any, are intended for use by the general public?
  2. How do users obtain an account?
  3. Is there any paid content in the app and if so who pays for it? For example, do users pay for opening an account or using certain features in the app?


Learn more about app distribution options on Apple Developer.

Thank you for your post. If you've received a message about issues with an app, the best way to contact App Review is by replying to the message in App Store Connect. You will be able to respond to specialist familiar with our review of your app.

You may also use the Apple Developer Contact Us page to request an update on our review of an app or request a call with an Apple representative.

Where to answer the app distribution questions during an app review