Running application on 17.4 Simulator from Xcode 16.0 beta is crashing due to missing SwiftUICore.framework


I have a project that is pretty complex and includes mostly UIKit/Swift code with some SwiftUI added on top. I also have some SPM modules and internal Cocoapods libraries linking in.

The project builds fine with the latest release version of Xcode (15) and runs on 17.4 simulator.

WIth Xcode 16.0 Beta however, the project builds and runs fine on iOS 18 simulators, however there is a specific crash that happens at startup on iOS 17.4 simulators. Please see crash log below with the name of my application redacted:

dyld[91294]: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore
  Referenced from: <14C085D7-ECA8-3287-8038-5DE320ADCEBD> /Users/xxxxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/C23AA8A9-8475-4EE2-86B3-136A0EBCC362/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/95A49FCF-A7E3-4A8B-93F1-C4CDDBA74B60/
  Reason: tried: '/Users/xxxxxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxxxx-fglltpkbphqqjzgdgdadysinonmq/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore' (no such file), '/Users/xxxxxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxxxx-fglltpkbphqqjzgdgdadysinonmq/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PackageFrameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore' (no such file), '/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21E213/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore' (no such file), '/System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore' (no such file, not in dyld cache), '/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21E213/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore' (no such file)

It seems like for some reason Xcode is building the app thinking there would be a SwiftUICore.framework on device, but since this framework is new in iOS 18 and does not exist on iOS 17.4, the system is unable to find it and crashes.

I have the min deployment target set to iOS 14.5, so I'm not sure why Xcode would make the assumption that SwiftUICore.framework will be available for linking on runtime.

Interestingly, I cannot reproduce this same issue on a clean project created using Xcode 16 and targeting min deployment of iOS 15.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions regarding specific build settings to check and see where the issue might be coming from.


Running application on 17.4 Simulator from Xcode 16.0 beta is crashing due to missing SwiftUICore.framework