Help, account got terminated by 3.2(f) and no reply at all.

My app was removed and my account terminated without any notice.

Apple indicated that I violated section 3.2(f) of the ADP, but I did not engage in any unlawful or misleading acts in my business practices. So I submitted an appeal to clarify the situation, but there has been no response. I also tried reaching out for help via general email, but still received no reply. Any advice on how to get a response from Apple? It seems my termination was automated, and no human has reviewed my appeal. I appreciate any help you can provide.

Apple terminated 118,000 developer accounts in 2023, down from 428,000 in 2022. That's one every 5 minutes.

There are lots of posts like yours on this forum. I don't recall anyone ever replying to say that their account was re-instated.

The moral is, don't be a full-time Apple developer; make sure you have another job that pays enough to pay your mortgage and the bills. Just treat your income from Apple as a nice bonus that could go away at any moment.

Thank you for your post. We're investigating this issue and will contact you in App Store Connect to provide further assistance. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.

Help, account got terminated by 3.2(f) and no reply at all.