Almost two weeks of "Waiting for Review" with no real updates

A regular update to our game have been in review for almost two weeks. These updates normally take a day or less.

Is this a general problem or just our game?

We have iOS users complaining about the lack of new content. They are comparing to their friends on other platforms. Other platforms now have almost 3 weeks worth of updates that iOS have not gotten. iOS users are slowly losing faith and there is nothing we can do.

When can we expect for review times to return to normal?

I have already been in contact with multiple people from both the App Review team directly and others, but up until now, nothing have changed, so this forum is a bit of a last resort.

This is not a general problem; I've found reviews to be fast recently. (Only 20 minutes in one case!) I guess either you have hit some sort of "special review", or something has got stuck. Sorry, I don't know what you can do about it.

Thank you for your post. We've begun investigating this issue but we've been unable to locate your app submission to provide further assistance. Can you provide the name and App ID associated with the app? These can be found in App Store Connect in the App Information tab.

Thanks for your response. Around the same time of your response the review finally passed. We have now submitted the latest update for review, which is live on other platforms. Hopefully review times will go back to normal, so that we can get the platforms back on version parity.

Hi again, the review times are still longer than expected. We submitted a patch on Wednesday last week and it's still waiting for review today Monday. The app is Penny & Flo: Home Renovation. The AppID is 1513116379.

Almost two weeks of "Waiting for Review" with no real updates