How to try CoreSimulator Framework of Xcode previous versions

Related to and which was dismissed.


I'm trying to install multiple Xcode versions with simulators on a single mac The problem is: xcrun simctl or any other simulator related process would hang several minutes after installing Xcode 16 beta additional components.

If I delete /Library/PrivateFrameworks dir and reinstall additional components of Xcode 15.4, xcrun works fine without any hang.

When hanging on CLI, simdiskimaged process skyrockets in CPU usage %, so that's why I assume CoreSimulator Framework is the main source of hang.

Is there any way to use additional components(technically CoreSimulator Framework) of Xcode 15.4 on Xcode 16 beta?

※Plus, as I described in related thread, the hang disappears if I run on GUI. I already tried xattr -r -d /Library/PrivateFrameworks or Xcode 16 beta with no use.

Is there any command I can open headlessly on CLI?

How to try CoreSimulator Framework of Xcode previous versions