MPRemoteCommandCenter stops UIKeyCommand from working for a few seconds


We are seeing some strange behaviour when using MPRemoteCommandCenter as well as UIKeyCommand in our app on iOS 17.

We are finding that when a UIKeyCommand is trigerred via external keyboard to start playing some music (via our own custom CoreAudio driver), the keyboard becomes unresponsive for a few seconds before UIKeyCommands are triggered again.

Strangely enough, if we comment out all our MPRemoteCommandCenter code, the UIKeyCommands work without going into the unresponsive state for a few seconds.

ie UIKeyCommands:

    override open var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand] {
        let commands = [UIKeyCommand(title: String(localized: "__PLAY_STOP__"), action: #selector(shortcutPlayStop(_:)), input: " "),
                        UIKeyCommand(title: String(localized: "__PAUSE__"), action: #selector(shortcutPause(_:)), input: "."), /** etc **/]

        commands.forEach { $0.wantsPriorityOverSystemBehavior = true }
        return commands

and MPRemoteCommands:

        MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().playCommand.addTarget { [weak self] _ in
            // etc
            return .success

Note this issue did not occur prior to iOS17 🤨

Any ideas what could be going on?

Thank you!

MPRemoteCommandCenter stops UIKeyCommand from working for a few seconds