IOS : App rejected for violating location new Guidelines

Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness

Your app did not load its contents and the activity indicator spun indefinitely when we tapped "Don't Allow" when prompted for permission to use current location. If location information is required, it is necessary to display a notification or alert indicating this requirement.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app to either enable functionality when a user opts out of providing location information or include an alert that this information is required.


For more information on Location Services, please review the section, "Determining Whether Location Services are Available" in the Location and Maps Programming Guide.

For a networking overview, review About Networking.

Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We’re looking forward to reviewing your app, but we were unable to sign in with the following demo account credentials you provided in App Store Connect:

User name: 8015965494 Password: 8015965494

To avoid delays in App Review, it is essential to provide the App Review team with access to your app's full features and functionality with every submission.

Next Steps

Please provide the username and password for a valid demo account on the App Review page of App Store Connect that provides full access to your app's features and functionality or include a demonstration mode that shows all of the features and functionality available in your app. Note that we cannot use a demo video showing your app in use to continue the review.


  • Watch a video from App Review with tips for preventing common rejections.
  • Learn how to share information with App Review when submitting your app for review.

Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

The app encourages or directs users to allow the app to access the location. Specifically, the app directs the user to grant permission in the following way(s):

  • A custom message appears before the permission request, and to proceed users press a "Configure Location Access" button. Use words like "Continue" or "Next" on the button instead.

Permission requests give users control of their personal information. It is important to respect their decision about how their data is used.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise the permission request process in the app to not display messages before the permission request with inappropriate words on buttons.

If necessary, you may provide more information about why you are requesting permission before the request appears. If the user is trying to use a feature in the app that won't function without access to the location, you may include a notification to inform the user and provide a link to the Settings app.

IOS : App rejected for violating location new Guidelines