XCode 16.0(Beta) can't delete package in package dependency setting tab

After trying Xcode 16.0, we encountered an issue with dependency management with SPM. Specifically, we are unable to remove libraries or frameworks through Xcode because it causes Xcode to crash. I'm not sure what is causing this issue because I tried removing them in version 15.6, and it worked fine.

after click -, Xcode will crash.

Ive encountered the same error. on removal of the dependency xcode crashes with a large crash report.

I'm having EXACT same issue and it's annoying because I can't preview my app without deleting one. 😭😭😭

im having the same lol

I haven't found a working method of removing the package in XCode, but I have managed to circumvent this issue by removing the package through the .xcodeproj file.

What I did was as follows:

  • Saved & closed my project
  • Opened the .xcodeproj in VSCode
  • Opened the project.pbxproj file & deleted references to the package
  • Saved the file, reopened XCode, and the package was gone.

If I recall correctly, a grep command only showed occurrences of the package name in project.pbxproj, so while it's possible this method doesn't remove all occurances of the package from the app, this seemed to work well for me.

Personally, I was trying to replace a local package with a new version of the package, and removal/replacing both caused the crash. Doing this removed the "project has an existing dependency" message and allowed me to directly re-add the package.

Hope this helps! :)

XCode 16.0(Beta) can't delete package in package dependency setting tab