My Xs Max cant update or reset.

I have been having troubles with my 5 year old Xs Max for two months now. The only things I can do are use instagram, call people and send text messages. I am logged out of my imessage thing and when i click on it to put in my phone number and choose my account it just keeps on loading and never fully loads. I dont think this is an issue with my actual data as I can use instagram although I have to refresh each time I want to see a message. I cant use my home wifi, other people's hotspot, and other place's wifi. Its saying I am connected to the network but it does not come up in the top right corner and always says i am using data. I cannot use safari, google, chrome and even the app store does not work. It just says its loading but it never loads. This also means I cannot update any app or install an app that I have already purchased. I have tried updating it but it also couldnt do that, I even tried updating it by connecting my phone to my laptop and even though it installed the update it could never actually update the phone. I just tried to fully reset my phone but it is saying it cant do this due to some error (akauthenticationerror code 7005). I then tried to sign out of my apple ID but then this also didnt work. It told me an error occured and this couldnt be done.

I was wondering if this is is happening just because my phone might be too old but maybe there are some other issues? Thanks

These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. These forums are not where Apple's actual developers chat about stuff.

Your question is more of a support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.

My Xs Max cant update or reset.