In iOS 18 beta, the SoundAnalysis framework reports an error when the iPhone is locked

I use SoundAnalysis to analyze background sounds and have enabled background permissions. It worked well in previous iOS systems, but a warning appeared in the new iOS18beta version and sound analysis was stopped. Warning List: Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Insufficient Permission (to submit GPU work from background) [Espresso::handle_ex_plan] exception=Espresso exception: "Generic error": Insufficient Permission (to submit GPU work from background) (00000006:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorBackgroundExecutionNotPermitted); code=7 status=-1 Unable to compute the prediction using a neural network model. It can be an invalid input data or broken/unsupported model (error code: -1). CoreML prediction failed with Error Code=0 "Failed to evaluate model 0 in pipeline" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to evaluate model 0 in pipeline, NSUnderlyingError=0x30330e910 {Error Code=0 "Failed to evaluate model 1 in pipeline" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to evaluate model 1 in pipeline, NSUnderlyingError=0x303307840 {Error Code=0 "Unable to compute the prediction using a neural network model. It can be an invalid input data or broken/unsupported model (error code: -1)." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to compute the prediction using a neural network model. It can be an invalid input data or broken/unsupported model (error code: -1).}}}}}

Hi, maybe you found a solution?

This bug only happens on a real device because it works fine in the simulator.

Feedback ID is FB15150861

Hi Jason, do you have any solution for this issue? I have the same problem. Thanks.

Hi Jason, I have the same issue with iOS18. When the app enters the background, analyzing sound does no longer work. Works fine since iOS15!

I'am using the SNAudioStreamAnalyzer

Thanks! Ralph

Any updates on this? Was anybody able to resolve this?

Hi, please let's all create a Feedback Assistant so that Apple can fix this bug as soon as possible. Thanks.

@Borrecan how we can do it?


Hi everyone,

I just tested under 18.2 Beta 2 and unfortunately the problem is still there.

Has anyone received any new information or feedback from Apple?

I can confirm that it is still an issue; bump the visibility. FB15747195

we changed our functionality and now we are using CPU instead of GPU

We're facing the same issue and are pretty stuck trying to find a workaround but nothing yet.

I tested in iOS 18.2 Beta 3 is not working yet.

This is the solution for background sound recognition.

Enable Background processing in Background Modes (Signing and Capabilities.)

In iOS 18 beta, the SoundAnalysis framework reports an error when the iPhone is locked