Why does it ask me to $ upgrade my iCloud storage every time I upgrade my iOS, even though I’m on a paid APPLE ONE FAMILY subscription plan?

Keep being asked to upgrade to iCloud+ every time there’s a iOS update, even though I’m on a family plan. It disconnects me and my family and tries to upsell us every time again. We have to manually switch back. Very deceptive and pretty sketchyz

adding that since the iOS 18 beta upgrade, I have also been unable to get back onto my family plan for iCloud+ storage. The option to use the family plan has now completely disappeared and my only option is to buy another plus package which obviously isn’t required since I already subscribe to Apple One. Hopefully a fix for this comes out soon. It’s hijacking our phones now and won’t let us back up any materials even though I’ve paid for the extra space.

Apple, you really need to look into the way it kicks people off their family plan storage every time there’s an iOS upgrade as well because for some people, I’m sure they are clicking on your buy more space button, since it’s much more prominent than finding the back door way to rejoin the family plan. If that’s an intentional way to trick people into getting an upsell you’re going to end up with lawsuits. It’s not a very cool UX experience.

Why does it ask me to $ upgrade my iCloud storage every time I upgrade my iOS, even though I’m on a paid APPLE ONE FAMILY subscription plan?