ERROR 1852797029

I have a new iPhone 15 PRO and some new Usb-C Earphones too, both are 3 days old. Since the first day I have been having this Error 1852797029. I can be listening to music on Apple Music for a while but when I stop it and a while passes without resuming playback, when I resume it it gives me this error and I have to close the App and disconnecting and connecting the earphones again. It's very annoying and I'm very angry that this is happening to me from day one. With both devices completely new. Does anyone have a solution other than connecting and disconnecting the earphones?

There's nothing we can do in the Developer Forums for your issue, other than suggest you contact the manufacturer of the USB-C earphones and see if there's a software update or something.

Does this issue only happen with Apple Music? How about Spotify, or some other service that streams music? How about Netflix?

ERROR 1852797029