iOS simulator glitching erratically constantly

I am using an iPhone 15 Pro as my iOS simulator, and the IDE that I am using is Android Studio. This issue is happening on a 2019 MacBook Pro 16 inch, running the latest version of Xcode, and running macOS Sonoma 14.5. I've never had this issue on other, older/newer Macs with Android Studio. Everytime I interact with the simulator, it shows green bars and distorts the view quite a bit (See screenshots below). I tried all that I could think of, including, but not limited to: Restarting simulator, restarting MacBook, restarting Android Studio, using different iOS simulators (same problem), and so forth. I have not found any such occurrence to anyone else while looking online for answers. One interesting thing that I noticed is that for Xcode projects, the simulator runs perfectly, but when I use Android Studio, the simulator doesn't work properly at all. Any solutions to this? All input is greatly appreciated.

P.S.: I have tested the app on an actual iOS device, and it works perfectly.

Here are some screenshots. This show what happens when you scroll or interact with the app: (Each screenshot is a different interaction)

Same MacBook same situation. Sometimes it helps to clear Xcode cache.

One interesting thing that I noticed is that for Xcode projects, the simulator runs perfectly, but when I use Android Studio, the simulator doesn't work properly at all.

It sounds like this is due to your third-party environment and frameworks. You should check with the support resources provided by those products to get assistance with their software and how it runs when deployed to the iOS Simulator.

iOS simulator glitching erratically constantly