Where are we with Astrology app rejection?

Hi everyone,

I have seen a few posts talking about how restrictive Apple has become regarding the publishing of astrology apps (along with related themes such as tarot, moon phases, etc.). From what I saw, most of those discussions took place 2 - 3 years ago.

I haven't seen many posts recently (just a few), but heard some people talking about a similar matter those days. Looks like Apple is again becoming restrictive on astrology apps: a) because there are already too many of them b) because they can be deemed as misleading for users c) because they all look similar & don't offer enough innovation.

Some even implied that >80% apps were rejected those days.

Do you have any information about this or heard of similar cases? How does that rejection rate compare to other categories?

More specifically, I am curious about one thing: Even when trying to create an innovative astro app, developers have to at least create a baseline of features that are extremely similar from one app to another. For instance, they need to include birth chart, horoscope, etc. (without those, the app won't have any good baseline to build up innovation on top). How can this be handled without being accused of delivering a similar app?

Best regards

Answered by darkpaw in 793728022

I think there's enough apps for Astrology already making stuff up based on the time of year someone was born. Try and think of a different app idea.

Accepted Answer

I think there's enough apps for Astrology already making stuff up based on the time of year someone was born. Try and think of a different app idea.

I understand that. My question is rather about Apple position on that matter right now. Do you have any insights or feedback on whether Apple tend to decline most app or keep allowing them?

As for the feature thing, like I said, innovation is important but you can't go into astrology without adding baseline features like the birth chart or horoscope. Innovation can only happen if you tick those boxes first. It's a bit like building a car, to a certain point you might create the most innovative car. But the bare minimum is to have the engine, wheels and seats.

Where are we with Astrology app rejection?