Xcode not allowing me to open my project

I'm currently using Expo for a React Native project, and I am integrating Apple Pay, so I needed to use Xcode for the setup. Whenever I open Xcode and try to open my project, I get:

My Mac OS is up-to-date. I'm using Xcode version 15.3 because 15.4 from the Mac App Store won't install properly. I've used Xcode before to open projects, and for some reason it's not working. I can open individual files in my project folder but whenever I try to open a directory it gives me the error. I've been using VS code for everything so far so the permissions for the file should be all good. I've also pulled from the repo and created a new folder and still the same thing happens.

Wondering if there are any requirements that I don't know about for the development environment or something.

Same issue.

Xcode not allowing me to open my project