Reality Composer Pro - Audio not working for .USDZ

Based on info online I'm under the impression we can add spatial audio to USDZ files using Reality Composer Pro, however I've been unable to hear this audio outside of the preview audio in the scene inspector. Attached is a screenshot with how I've laid out the scene.

I see the 3D object fine on mobile and Vision Pro, but can't get audio to loop. I have ensured the audio file is in the scene linked as the resource for the spatial audio node. Am I off on setting this up, it's broken or this simply isn't a feature to save back to USDZ? In the following link they note their USDZ could "play an audio track while viewing the model", but the model isn't there anymore.

Can someone confirm where I might be off please?

Hi CaliDave!

(Apologies for the delete and repost. I had an account kerfuffle on my end.)

You are on the right track. You can configure the playback of your audio using the Timeline, Triggers, and PlayAudioAction.

Check out the WWDC24 Session "Compose interactive 3D content in Reality Composer Pro":

At 11:27, Marin walks you through adding audio playback to your scene with the PlayAudio action on a Timeline.

At 14:13, Marin shows you how you can configure how the Timeline starts. You can use either the RealityKit API in code, or Reality Composer Pro.

Check out the BOT-anist sample code to see how this all fits together in the project:

Depending on your workflow, there are some other ways to go about this, but this should get you going on your current path.

Please keep us posted if this works for you or if you are still feeling stuck.

Most cordially,


Thanks James. I see the Timeline feature is available in XCode 16 Beta (I was using XCode 15). Unfortunately when I try to install XCode 16 Beta I get this error,

"Loading a plug-in failed. The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged and may need to be reinstalled.". I guess that's an issue for a new post. I'll report back once I can get the software working.

Thanks James for the tips. I watched the video and we have a slight difference in behaviors, but cool to see a potential code less option for a quick test. When I try the timeline it plays audio as expected, but when I send to my Vision Pro I never hear any audio. Can you spot where I'm off?

Reality Composer Pro - Audio not working for .USDZ