How can I initiate a new URL request using an already loaded WKWebView?

I have opened a WKWebView with "", for example. After that, I put my app in the background. When I try to open a new URL request in the same web view with a new link, like "", by redirecting the app, it doesn't work. I've put a listener function to detect the new URL and called "webView.load(newURLRequest)". However, the web view never loads the new URL request.

I have tried to solve this issue by adding a delay through DispatchQueue. Adding a delay sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I also tried using NavigationDelegate, but it still didn't help. Below is my code:

override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.refreshData), name: NSNotification.Name("refreshweb"), object: nil) }

@objc func refreshData() { let url = URL (string: "") let requestObj = URLRequest(url: url!) webview.load(requestObj) }

How can I initiate a new URL request using an already loaded WKWebView?